Basic questions for Bootstrap v5
If none of the answers above is appropriate for you please write your own answers in input field
If none of the answers above is appropriate for you please write your own answers in input field
If none of the answers above is appropriate for you please write your own answers in input field
If none of the answers above is appropriate for you please write your own answers in input field
Responsive utility classes in Bootstrap are a set of classes that are used to conceal or exhibit the HTML elements based on screen resolution that discerns by media query in Bootstrap.
Bootstrap alerts are used to create presume alert messages, which add styles to make the messages more noticeable to the user.
A model is an inherited window that is layered over its parent window. This is used to augment the user experience and add different functionalities. Model windows are created with the help of the modal plugin.
A pills navigation menu can be created by making an unordered list with the base class of .nav the .nav-pills class.
Responsive utility classes in Bootstrap are a set of classes that are used to conceal or exhibit the HTML elements based on screen resolution that discerns by media query in Bootstrap.
Responsive utility classes in Bootstrap are a set of classes that are used to conceal or exhibit the HTML elements based on screen resolution that discerns by media query in Bootstrap.